525 E. Broadway — Burnham Planning & Development

525 E. Broadway

  • Development Type: New Construction, Mixed-use Apartment Building

  • Units: 48 residential rental units in a 7 story midrise with 5,400 square feet of ground level retail space.

  • Location: 525 E Broadway in Downtown Long Beach

  • Year Entitled: 2021. Unanimous Planning Commission approval.

  • Architect: Daryoush Safai Architects

  • Developer: Topanga Partners


The project was developed with the Downtown Plan design guidelines in mind and combines modern architectural style with an enhanced pedestrian experience through the use of varied materials, massing, and providing active uses along the perimeter of the ground floor. In particular, the project will provide an enlarged outdoor dining area on the corner of Broadway and Atlantic, which will significantly enhance activity and the pedestrian environment.

While the height limit for the site is 240 feet, the irregular shape and small size of the lot resulted in a project with a proposed height of 7 stories (85 feet), which fits within the context of the surrounding buildings.

The L-shaped parcel presented design challenges, as both the odd shape and narrow site widths constrain the ability to efficiently layout  parking spaces and maximize the residential density. 

This project was particularly difficult due to the adjacency of an existing condominium building, which caused concern among the neighbors and ultimately led to an appeal of the project. 

Overall, the project will redevelop an underutilized site on a primary intersection in Downtown, introduce new units to the East Village area, and provide a vibrant pedestrian environment along both Atlantic Avenue and Broadway.
